Any participant in the INSPIRELI AWARDS competition can ask a member of the international jury for feedback on his/her competition project. Jurors are assigned across continents at a ratio of one juror per student. The resulting gallery is a unique architecture textbook, created free of charge by those who wish to participate in our project and contribute their work to the education of the up and coming generation. We are honored that you are sharing your designs and experiences here.

239 Results

Marina and Ports projects feedbacks

Уважаемые Габен Кодато, Гийом Канонж, Ноэми Тренто, Фальгари Анаэль, Гуэрра Лила! С интересом познакомился с Вашим предложением по решению одной из самых актуальных проблем современного градостроительства – место автомобиля в современном и историческом городе. Вами предлагается глобальная реконструкция подземных парковок в городе Пальма-де-Майорка. С поставленной задачей, по моему мнению, Вы справились достаточно успешно, предложив новые пространства для жителей и гостей города, создав ряд…

Cергей Геращенко

Cергей Геращенко

Уважаемый АПУ ДАС! С большим удовольствием познакомился с Вашей работой! Привлекает внимание актуальность выбранной темы работы. Хочу отметить аналитическую часть работы, в которой достаточно подробно исследованы все проблемы, связанные с ситуацией в подобных объектах. Убедительно представлены схемы и графический анализ существующих рынков сухой рыбы. Фотофиксация подтверждает наличие проблемы. Уровень разработки конкретного объекта Shutki Bazaar, представленный в хорошей графической подаче в…

Cергей Геращенко

Cергей Геращенко

It is already a representation of the locality from a geometric standpoint; nonetheless, it is a good idea to build a new character by making a new grid in order to make a wow impact in order to ensure that the local character is appreciated. In terms of programming, it is something that needs to be questioned once again with regard to the arrangement. Perhaps you could use the cross programming method in order to generate surprises. Keep the spirit high! Best Regards, Budi Pradono

Budi Pradono

Budi Pradono

Hi Nalindu, your project is very well explained, shown and argumented. You have very strong layout skills and I love your combinations of images with a matched texture in your presentation boards. Well done! Your low-tech approach to the architecture and load barring structures make absolute sense for your site and concept. I would like to see more close-up construction details of it! Your renderings are visually strong, especially the top-down perspective on the main page. I would advise…

Clemens Jopp

Clemens Jopp

Dear Julia Trzeciak, Thank you for choosing me as juror for your engineering diploma thesis project. My feedback about your project here is bellow given: 01. As it’s a mixed use building with residential and restaurant facility for public, it’s successfully done by separating circulation by direct entry from ground to top level by two different plaza type steps, from both road side and lake side. 02. The upper-level terrace situated in front of the restaurant is expected to be more active…

Hossan Murad

Hossan Murad

Thank you for providing a comprehensive overview of your innovative thesis project, ParaPOD 2.0. It is an impressive and forward-thinking design that addresses several critical urban challenges. Here are some strengths and suggestions for your consideration: Strengths: 1. Embracing flexibility and adaptability: The live/work pod concept, coupled with co-working spaces and virtual offices, caters to the evolving work-life dynamics and the needs of urban starters, startups, and the gig economy…

Hamidreza Khademi

Hamidreza Khademi

Thank you for the comprehensive design submission for the senior housing project in Seoul. Integrating the courtyard spaces with the surrounding urban fabric to create a harmonious living environment for the elderly is well-considered. You have thoughtfully addressed the unique needs of the aging population while promoting inclusivity and community engagement. Strengths 1. The analysis of the aging demographics in South Korea and the emphasis on fostering intergenerational connections through…

Hamidreza Khademi

Hamidreza Khademi

Although one appreciates your initiative to explain your form-making process, it would have been interesting to see other aspects of architecture explored much further. I struggle to understand the relevance of your goals due to insufficient context regarding the issue you are attempting to address through your architectural intervention. Therefore, a site analysis should have been useful. Indeed, the protrusion and recessing of facades help in breaking up what could have been a bulky form;…

Anthony Musevu Kashit

Anthony Musevu Kashit

Your urban analysis is comprehensive and well-illustrated, successfully informing us about the issues surrounding the canal. On that note, the constant use of analytical sections and annotated diagrammatic plans of the urban fabric is a very good strategy. Indeed, your proposition would purge the area of many sorts of pollution and revitalise the area with activities that would give more ‘right to the city’ to people than to motorised vehicles. This is a sensible thing to do in urban design. …

Anthony Musevu Kashit

Anthony Musevu Kashit

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