Any participant in the INSPIRELI AWARDS competition can ask a member of the international jury for feedback on his/her competition project. Jurors are assigned across continents at a ratio of one juror per student. The resulting gallery is a unique architecture textbook, created free of charge by those who wish to participate in our project and contribute their work to the education of the up and coming generation. We are honored that you are sharing your designs and experiences here.

344 Results

Private House projects feedbacks

Уважаемая Карен Файола! Мне было интересно познакомиться с Вашей работой по преобразованию одного из районов Субараи. Положительным моментом в проекте является предложение по проектированию трех различных типов домов, предназначенных для различных групп населения. Безусловно важным моментом в проектировании является учет таких факторов как климатические условия, сейсмичность района проектирования. Это нашло отражение в представленных вариантах. Это безусловный плюс! В качестве замечаний,…

Cергей Геращенко

Cергей Геращенко

In my opinion, perhaps a rigid structure is good because it will maintain the environmental conditions around it. But in my opinion there is a need for intervention that is geometrically fluid in the curtyard. Secondly, there's the matter of programming; the core is only utilized at each level, leading to disconnected programming. To address this, it would be wise to employ cross-programming, which can serve as a shared area. Thank you! Budi Pradono

Budi Pradono

Budi Pradono

Greetings Valerie Wernerová, Your approach to adaptive reuse and heritage conservation is highly commendable. The timeline you presented was an effective tool to showcase the rich history of the site. I appreciate the risk you took in delving into such a small yet complex project. Even a minor intervention can be powerful and make a significant statement. Heritage projects are not easy, as working with existing buildings involves many challenges. This requires an innovative mind and discipline…

Khulukani Bila

Khulukani Bila

The design concept is innovative and thoughtfully addresses the site's context. Your approach to integrating your project with the environment around is commendable. The aesthetic choices are striking, particularly using materials and colors, which create a cohesive and visually appealing design. The project's commitment to sustainability is evident, especially the impressive greenery's impact. Although glass has many benefits for buildings, including natural light, thermal regulation, and…

Soomela Moosa Moghadam

Soomela Moosa Moghadam

Dear Julia Trzeciak, Thank you for choosing me as juror for your engineering diploma thesis project. My feedback about your project here is bellow given: 01. As it’s a mixed use building with residential and restaurant facility for public, it’s successfully done by separating circulation by direct entry from ground to top level by two different plaza type steps, from both road side and lake side. 02. The upper-level terrace situated in front of the restaurant is expected to be more active…

Hossan Murad

Hossan Murad

Thank you for selecting me as an international juror for your project. I am providing my feedback in accordance with the following sections to aid your understanding. I hope you find this helpful. Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me again. 1. Strengths of the Project: Your initiative to seamlessly integrate architecture with nature has been executed successfully, primarily due to the organic shape of the form and the inclusion of tall trees throughout…

Hossan Murad

Hossan Murad

The design of the luxury apartment carefully selects a material palette that highlights its features. By choosing materials with varying textures—such as velvet, reflective, and matte finishes in different tones—it enriches the spatial layers and adds depth to the space.

Yanci Chen

Yanci Chen

The overall visual effect of the residential design is fresh and natural, with a unified color scheme and harmonious choice of finishes. The floor plan demonstrates significant flexibility, with public spaces surrounding the private bathroom areas, creating a logical flow while maximizing effective natural lighting. The inclusion of interesting built-in furniture adds vibrancy and liveliness to the space.

Yanci Chen

Yanci Chen

1. Walk-through space is quite tight. 2. Arrangement of inside-structure has to be well planned. Overall it looks quite messy. 3. Quality of photography, uses of light & shades are nice.

Dr. Santosh Kumar Jha

Dr. Santosh Kumar Jha

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