Any participant in the INSPIRELI AWARDS competition can ask a member of the international jury for feedback on his/her competition project. Jurors are assigned across continents at a ratio of one juror per student. The resulting gallery is a unique architecture textbook, created free of charge by those who wish to participate in our project and contribute their work to the education of the up and coming generation. We are honored that you are sharing your designs and experiences here.

193 Results

Farm projects feedbacks

Уважаемые Габен Кодато, Гийом Канонж, Ноэми Тренто, Фальгари Анаэль, Гуэрра Лила! С интересом познакомился с Вашим предложением по решению одной из самых актуальных проблем современного градостроительства – место автомобиля в современном и историческом городе. Вами предлагается глобальная реконструкция подземных парковок в городе Пальма-де-Майорка. С поставленной задачей, по моему мнению, Вы справились достаточно успешно, предложив новые пространства для жителей и гостей города, создав ряд…

Cергей Геращенко

Cергей Геращенко

Dear Isuru, I would like to express my congratulations on this nice project. It has many good aspects, and I like the way you expanded your idea by presenting it with sufficient supporting details. *Strengths: 1- Smart Initial Steps: The first steps toward reaching a satisfying result have been taken very smartly by identifying the issue, raising the right questions directly, and trying to find compatible solutions. 2- Design Process Diagrams: The design process diagrams effectively explain…

Omid Abbassi

Omid Abbassi

Dear Loulyana, Thank you for sharing your project with the INSPIRELI Awards. I would like to offer some feedback on what you’ve done well and areas where there could be improvements. *Strengths: 1- Modular Spaces: The idea of having modular spaces that can be extended in the future is a strong key point of your project, providing flexibility and potential for growth. 2- Literature Background and Case Studies: The thorough literature background and well-analyzed case studies give a solid…

Omid Abbassi

Omid Abbassi

Hi, The concept of this project is truly unique in its aim to connect the exterior environment with the interior spaces. However, there is a noticeable lack in the use of materials. For instance, I would have preferred to see more glass, symbolizing transparency that reveals the exterior to the interior and ties them together. This is particularly important given that this is a car company focused on using electricity instead of fuel, with a mission to protect the environment. Hence, I would…

Rasha Mansour

Rasha Mansour

Greetings Avantika Verma, Firstly, I would like to commend you on a beautifully visualized project. However, the lack of technical information such as site plans, floor plans, sections, and site analysis makes it rather difficult to fully understand the intention behind the project. For someone unfamiliar with your work, these missing elements are crucial for providing context, showcasing how you have organized the space, and demonstrating the design principles employed to create a space of…

Khulukani Bila

Khulukani Bila

Hello Amir, Congratulations on the project presented, it really turned out amazing. The adaptation of the silos of Porto Madero into a futuristic winery is an impressive idea. The whole process is well-thought-out and innovative. I would like to highlight a few positive aspects that deserve recognition. Firstly, the resemblance to high-tech architecture is evident and striking. The requalification of the space managed to preserve the historical part and, at the same time, brought innovation.…

Abelardo Pereira de Souza Neto

Abelardo Pereira de Souza Neto

The submission for the Agrotourism project in Bati-Bati presents a visionary approach but is notably incomplete, missing essential architectural technical drawings like floor plans, sections, or detailed illustrations. There is an absence of documentation or diagrams elucidating the origin or reference for the architectural language employed. Reliance on visual rendering software for presentation, without substantial refinement, suggests a disparity between the scope of work envisioned and the…

Mingshan Fang

Mingshan Fang

Beautiful design The core idea of this project was brilliant,how it would help to strength the local community and economy. The design was perfect and functional,with a wise choice of local materials. Also how he make this project sustainable and green was another advantage for this unique project.

Sarvenaz Sharifi

Sarvenaz Sharifi

Tout d'abord, je tiens à vous exprimer ma gratitude pour cette présentation graphique de qualité. Elle dénote une réflexion approfondie et un esthétisme indéniable. Ce projet pour le "SHEKOR" Musée de découverte agricole et centre de recherche propose une initiative louable pour combler un manque important dans le paysage culturel et éducatif du Bangladesh. Voici quelques points de critique et de suggestion : * Justification du besoin : La nécessité d'un musée agricole est clairement expliquée…

Salma Ben Mansour

Salma Ben Mansour

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