Any participant in the INSPIRELI AWARDS competition can ask a member of the international jury for feedback on his/her competition project. Jurors are assigned across continents at a ratio of one juror per student. The resulting gallery is a unique architecture textbook, created free of charge by those who wish to participate in our project and contribute their work to the education of the up and coming generation. We are honored that you are sharing your designs and experiences here.

474 Results

Hall/Theatre projects feedbacks

For architects and landscape architects and any design person, the aspect of the environment in which we design should be very important. I don't see your reference to the environment in the broader context of the cityscape, greenery, urban planning. The design combines well the spaces you write about - you have thought through what should be here so that every user can find a place for himself. However, I don't see a disabled person being able to get everywhere without a problem or, for…

Agnieszka Chudy

Agnieszka Chudy

Уважаемые Габен Кодато, Гийом Канонж, Ноэми Тренто, Фальгари Анаэль, Гуэрра Лила! С интересом познакомился с Вашим предложением по решению одной из самых актуальных проблем современного градостроительства – место автомобиля в современном и историческом городе. Вами предлагается глобальная реконструкция подземных парковок в городе Пальма-де-Майорка. С поставленной задачей, по моему мнению, Вы справились достаточно успешно, предложив новые пространства для жителей и гостей города, создав ряд…

Cергей Геращенко

Cергей Геращенко

Уважаемый АПУ ДАС! С большим удовольствием познакомился с Вашей работой! Привлекает внимание актуальность выбранной темы работы. Хочу отметить аналитическую часть работы, в которой достаточно подробно исследованы все проблемы, связанные с ситуацией в подобных объектах. Убедительно представлены схемы и графический анализ существующих рынков сухой рыбы. Фотофиксация подтверждает наличие проблемы. Уровень разработки конкретного объекта Shutki Bazaar, представленный в хорошей графической подаче в…

Cергей Геращенко

Cергей Геращенко

In my opinion, perhaps a rigid structure is good because it will maintain the environmental conditions around it. But in my opinion there is a need for intervention that is geometrically fluid in the curtyard. Secondly, there's the matter of programming; the core is only utilized at each level, leading to disconnected programming. To address this, it would be wise to employ cross-programming, which can serve as a shared area. Thank you! Budi Pradono

Budi Pradono

Budi Pradono

In order to establish a public space in the form of a courtyard in the heart of this art exhibition building, which is then warped with non-standard geometric shapes, the building is highly dynamic. On the other hand, if we take a glance at the structure, it is obvious that the geometric shapes are nothing more than skin. To put these shapes into practice, where the structure does not react to this geometric design, my recommendation is to actually have the courage to do so. On the other…

Budi Pradono

Budi Pradono

It is already a representation of the locality from a geometric standpoint; nonetheless, it is a good idea to build a new character by making a new grid in order to make a wow impact in order to ensure that the local character is appreciated. In terms of programming, it is something that needs to be questioned once again with regard to the arrangement. Perhaps you could use the cross programming method in order to generate surprises. Keep the spirit high! Best Regards, Budi Pradono

Budi Pradono

Budi Pradono

Dear Emil, Thank you for submitting your project to the INSPIRELI Awards. I have reviewed your entry and would like to provide feedback on both the strengths and areas for improvement: * Strengths: 1 - Clear and Organized Presentation: Your project benefits from a clear and organized presentation, which enhances its readability and understanding. 2 - Spatial and Exploded Isometric Diagrams: The spatial diagrams and exploded isometric diagrams significantly contribute to the clarity of the…

Omid Abbassi

Omid Abbassi

Dear Daniel Kopřiva, I am impressed by the innovative approach and thoroughness demonstrated in your project to redesign the interior of the education building in Břeclav. Your attention to detail and consideration of both functional and aesthetic aspects are commendable. Here are some highlights and constructive feedback: Design Concept and Execution: Your decision to implement a double facade and introduce ceramic blocks in a shade of corten to the hall is both practical and visually…

Rasha Mansour

Rasha Mansour

Greetings Franco Sebastian Moran Casares, Firstly, I would like to commend your amazing submission. Your renders are stunning. I greatly appreciate your beautiful hand drawings, which effectively highlight your design process. Your model exploration shows how thoughtfully you designed your form to fit the context; it is very well considered. Although language might be a barrier, as I didn't fully understand some of the notes in the project. The spatial layout of your education center is very…

Khulukani Bila

Khulukani Bila

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